Investigating the Scientific Production of Iranian Accounting Faculty Members in Scopus from 2006-2021 through a Scientometric Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of accounting، Faculty of financial sciences، Kharazmi University، Tehran، Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Kharazmi University, Department of Accounting, Tehran, Iran


This study aims to examine the scientific output of accounting faculty members in Iranian universities and explore their scientometric indicators. The data consist of the articles published by accounting faculty members from 2006 to 2021. The study employs scientometric methods such as creating and analyzing the networks of scientific collaboration among authors, institutions, countries, and keywords. The data analysis is performed using Excel, VOS Viewer, and R programming language software. The results show that the network of scientific collaboration among Iranian authors is sparsely connected. However, the network of scientific collaboration among Iranian universities is denser and indicates a satisfactory level of cooperation. Furthermore, the network of scientific collaboration among countries reveals that Iranian researchers have limited interactions with other countries. The total number of scientific publications in this field in Iran is 569 articles over 16 years, which seems to be a low figure. However, the publication trend in this field is increasing, which suggests more research opportunities than before. According to the findings of the research, the issue of corporate governance and its mechanisms in Iran has the most repetition in accounting articles. For the first time, the present study examines international accounting research in the Scopus database using scientometric techniques, and while determining the hot topics of this field, it identifies the authors, universities, and productive countries in the scientific cooperation network.


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