About Journal

The Journal Publication Policy: 

The Journal of Empirical Researches in Accounting  began to workIn the autumn of 2012 (08/13/2012) and the issue of the Journal was ranked second; Based on a submission from the Secretariat of the Commission to issue 3/181655 rank Research - scientific journals country - was extended management.

The Journal of Empirical Researches in Accounting is a quarterly scientific-research publication with the goal of developing accounting knowledge and research in the country. The journal publishes research articles in accounting area, giving priority to those with the approach of empirical/archives, experimental, critical/interdisciplinary, basic market, survey, and modeling having innovation and validity. The main areas focused on for publication are:
  • Accounting empirical research in capital and monetary market
  • Empirical research in auditing and assurance
  • Empirical research in financial reporting and corporate governance
  • This Quarterly journal is free access. PDF file the text of all the articles published on the site is available and applicants for Accounting science articles can download it for free.

    The Journal of Empirical Research in Accounting has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Iranian Management Accounting Association

     Diagram of the Acceptance Process in Journal of Empirical Research in Accounting

     Average review time of articles: 6 Weeks


    Initial review period:7 working daysFrequency: Quarterly

    Review type: Reviews and authors cannot see each other's attributes;(Double Blind)

    Plagiarism: Several light software is used to prevent plagiarism ;(Samim Noor)

    COPE: This publication complies with the COPE Code of Ethics;

    Language: Bilingual: Persian (abstract and sources of English articles)

     Plagiarism: Several light software is used to prevent plagiarism ;(Samim Noor)


    The cost of arbitration: 1500000 Rail’s, which are obtained after the approval of the article for submission to arbitration;


     The cost of printing a paper: 1500000 Rail’s, which is received after the acceptance of the article for publication;


     E-mail: jera@alzahra.ac.ir

       Ways to Communicate with the Journal Office:

    1- Through the phone , Call number: 021- 88212578 

       2- By e-mail: jera@alzahra.ac.ir All the days of the week and will be answered at the first opportunity;


    Copyright: Journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions. 

     Print ISSN
     Online ISSN


    CC BY-NC-ND 


    This license allows others to download the works and share them with others as long as they credit them, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.