Designing an Occupational Flu Model in the Auditing Profession Using anInterpretive Structural Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


Assiociate Professor, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management and Economic, Lorestan University,Khoramabad, Iran


Occupational flu refers to all factors such as occupational stress, overwork, time pressure, etc., which disturb the individual's occupational balance and significantly reduce his performance. The purpose of the current research is to design a model of occupational influenza in the auditing profession using an interpretive structural approach. This research is based on mixed qualitative and quantitative research, and its statistical population in the qualitative and quantitative part includes 27 managers and experts in the auditing profession, whose opinions are based on interviews. Semi-structured questionnaire was evaluated using Atlas software, coding method and interpretive structural modeling approach. The results of the research include sixteen indicators of occupational influenza, which are described in four levels and in the form of the final model. The results of the research can provide a better understanding of the phenomenon of occupational influenza, and with its help, managers can reduce occupational stressors as much as possible with appropriate mechanisms in order to prevent negative personal and organizational results.


Main Subjects

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