Investigating The Role of Uncertainty on The Relationship Between Investors' Sentiment and Managers' Behavioral Bias in Earnings Forecasting

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in accounting Neyshabur Branch , Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur , Iran.

2 Department of Accounting, Neyshabur Branch , Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur , Iran.


Behavioral financial literature provides evidence that company managers are not immune to behavioral bias and have personality traits such as overconfidence, loss avoidance, overconfidence, and so on. On the other hand, companies are always affected by environmental uncertainties in terms of their operating environment. These uncertainties affect operations and financial reporting, especially earnings forecasting. Earnings forecasting can be influenced by investors' feelings, which often stem from subjective beliefs or other information unrelated to stock value, and can lead to extreme or deviant reactions of investors to good or bad news about the true value of stocks. For the first time in the country, this study examines the role of uncertainty on the relationship between investors 'feelings and managers' behavioral bias in profit forecasting. In this study, investors 'feelings have been calculated by indicators provided by Baker and Vergler (2007) and managers' behavioral bias in profit forecasting through the difference between projected earnings per share and actual earnings. Data analysis and testing of research hypotheses were performed by multivariate regression models and combined data in a statistical sample consisting of 76 manufacturing companies listed on the stock exchange during the years 2009 to 2017. The results showed that investors 'feelings have an inverse and significant relationship with managers' bias in profit forecasting. In other words, when investors 'feelings are positive and optimistic, managers' bias in earning forecasting is low but optimistic. Also, environmental uncertainty as a moderating factor does not strengthen this relationship.


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