The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance of the Firms Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange



This study seeks to find the relationship between financial performance of the firm and corporate social responsibility in accepted companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. The corporate social responsibility is measured by a questionnaire composed of 53 items related to social responsibility of the firm’s customers, workers, environmental and community dimensions. In this study, the numbers of 59 observations were investigated during the years 2005-2010. To analyze the data was exerted SPSS software. Our findings reveal that financial performance of firms is significantly related to social responsibility of the firm’s customers and community dimensions. However, this variable is not significantly related to social responsibility of the firm’s environmental and workers dimensions. This paper will help the management to develop effective social responsibility policies required to achieve better financial performance in long-term and provide awareness for firms in the field of role of social responsibility of firms to achieve future benefits.


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