Effect of Conservatism and Disclosure on the Cost of Equity Capital



In this paper has been studied the role of conservatism and disclosure in the reduction of Cost of Equity Capital. Theoretically, conservatism and disclosure can be influenced on the cost of capital with decrease the Agency costs and Information asymmetry. Therefore, this study wants to test the separate and shared effect of conservatism and disclosure on the companies' Cost of Equity Capital. To do this, data about 70 companies listed in the Tehran stock exchange, during 1384 to 1388 has been Regression analysis. the obtained results, show the reverse meaningful relation between conservatism and Cost of Equity Capital. On the other hand, the relation between disclosure and the Cost of Equity Capital has been estimated meaningfully reversed. In addition, the results of the relationship between conservatism and cost of capital, determined that the relationship between the two in terms of inadequate disclosure is increased.


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