The Investigation of the Relationship between Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Banks’ Stock Return in Tehran Stock Exchange



In developing countries such as Iran, investigating the effect of exchange risks on different companies is a vital issue. Due to the lack of developed financial markets, these countries would be expected to be exposed to financial crises. In this study, the effect of exchange rate risks on Iranian banks was investigated using two market-oriented models. The sample included seven banks listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during 1382 to 1390. The results of estimating both models indicated that there is not a significant relationship between exchange rate fluctuations of Dollar in compare to Rial and stock price in these banks. One of the reasons for this result could be attributed to the lack of investors’ awareness and suitable analysis of the effects of these fluctuations on the companies’ return. Another reason could be the ability of the banks to control the exchange rate fluctuations using varied protecting methods which leads to the decrease in the effect of these fluctuations on companies’ values.


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