Investigating the Necessity of Implementing and Applying " IFRS for Small and Medium Enterprises" in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Accounting, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University Of Tehran(Farabi Campus). Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Accounting, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University Of Tehran(Farabi Campus. Iran

3 Associate Professor of Accounting, Faculty of Accounting, University of Qom. Iran

4 PhD Student in Accounting, University of Tehran (Farabi), Iran


The main objective of this study is to investigate the need for the adoption of specific financial reporting standards for small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve a favorable picture of the financial situation, financial performance and financial flexibility of small and medium business units in Iran. This research was conducted through interviewing experts, preparing hypothetical financial statements and conducting surveys using a questionnaire, and compilers of accounting and auditing standards, seeking to examine whether small and medium enterprises in Iran Do you need specific standards? Will adoption of international financial reporting standards for small and medium enterprises in Iran be necessary? This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of data gathering method. The results show that small and medium sized business units need financially for accounting and financial reporting, and the adoption of international financial reporting standards for small and medium enterprises in Iran is necessary. The results also indicate a significant and positive relationship between the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards for small and medium enterprises in Iran and the improvement of the qualitative characteristics of accounting information (presentation and disclosure, reliability, recognition and measurement, comparability), which indicates the necessity of accepting or not accepting international standards for small and medium sized entities.


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