Predictability of PEG Ratio in Comparison with PE Ratio for Determining the Stock Price



 Price to earnings ratio is
commonly used by analysts for assessment of stocks. Failures to consider the
time value of money and growth prospective of companies are the main
limitations of applying this method to estimate the value of shares.  Recently, another ratio named
PEG is used for identifying desired stocks. PEG ratio defines as quotient of PE
ratio on expected growth rate. This ratio is based on P/E ratio based on PE
ratio and considers stock’s growth perspective. The goal of this research is
investigating the predictability of PEG ratio in comparison with P/E ratio for
determining the stock price. The first hypothesis compares
stability of P/E and PEG ratios and the second compares forecast accuracy of PE
and PEG pricing methods.  Financial information from215
firm-year during the period 1381 (2002) to 1389 (2011), indicated that PE ratio
has more stability than PEG ratio and forecasting stock price by PEG method is
more accurate. 


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