Development of a Comprehensive Information Disclosure Framework in Credit Institutions through Meta-synthesis Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting Faculty of Management at University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student of Accounting at University of Tehran-Alborz Campus, Tehran, Iran


Information disclosure is a multilateral concept and comprises disclosure of information in different financial, corporate governance, and more areas. The main objective of the study is providing a comprehensive disclosure framework in credit institutions through review of valid papers and localization of the disclosure components, taking into account the country's conditions and the law for usury-free banking. To do so, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is applied. First, the initial disclosure framework for credit institutions is extracted using the review of relevant literature and applying the meta-synthesis method. Then, through interviews with 16 banking experts and analyzing the obtained data, the framework derived from the previous step is completed and localized. According to the research findings, disclosure of items such as recovery and resolution plan, the amount of directed credits from the government, and so on will contribute to banking industry efficiency.


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