Overvaluation and the Relation between Benchmark Beating and Unexpected Accruals

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Accounting, Alame Tabatabai’i university, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Accounting, Alame Tabatabai’i university, Tehran, Iran

3 Phd student of Accounting, Alame Tabatabai’i university, Tehran, Iran


This study investigates the impact of overvaluation on the relation between benchmark beating and unexpected accruals in firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. The sample consists of 105 firms listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange from 2009 to 2016. To analyze data and test hypotheses, multivariate regression model is used. Results show that there is no significant relation between overvaluation and unexpected accruals. Also, findings indicate a significant relation between benchmark beating and unexpected accruals, which is in compliance with results of Coulton et al (2015) and Farajzadeh et al (1394) research. Finally, results show that overvaluation has an significant impact on the relation between benchmark beating and unexpected accruals, which is in compliance with results of Coulton et alresearch (2015). ‌


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