Cash Distributions to Shareholders and The Relation between Agency Costs and Conditional Conservatism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof of Finance, University of Urmia, Urmia, Iran

2 Professor of accounting, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Msc student of accounting, Alzahra University, Urmia, Iran.


This study examines the effect of cash distributions to shareholders on the relation between agency costs and conditional conservatism. ‌The sample consists of 104 firms listed in TSE in the period from 2006-2014. ‌Analysis of evidence based on panel data shows that there is a significant positive relation between the agency cost and demand for conditional conservatism. ‌The relation between cash distribution and conditional conservatism is not significant. ‌In addition, cash distribution has a ‌significant and positive effect on the relation between agency costs and conditional conservatism. ‌More dividend payments creates a conflict of interest between shareholders and creditors so, demand for conservatism increases from both ‌creditors and shareholders. ‌In such a situation, it is expected that accounting conservatism may create incentives for efficient investment decisions, facilitate the monitor of management investment decisions and ultimately lead to reduction of agency problems. ‌Therefore, firms with high-level excess cash have higher levels of conservatism. 


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