Moderating Role of Ownership Type (state) in the Relationship between Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Earning Management (real, accrual)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of accounting, economy, management and accounting department , Yazd university. Yazd. Iran

2 Msc student of accounting, Yazd university, Yazd, Iran


Corporate governance mechanisms are considered as an important issue by accounting researchers in recent decades, due to increased financial scandals. Corporate governance mechanisms determine how and by whom a firm should be managed to protect stockholder rights and prevent their loss. The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between corporate governance mechanisms and earnings management (real and accrual) and to investigate the moderating role of ownership type (state) in the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and earning management (real, accrual) in the firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during period of 2009-2014. To test the hypothesis, this study uses multivariate regression analysis based on the panel data method. Findings show that among corporate governance mechanism only the board size has significant and negative relation to accrual earning management. Moreover, results show that the percent of non-executive members of the board has a significant positive relation to accrual earning management and the percent of   institutional owner has a significant positive relation to real earning management. State ownership has a significant positive relation to the real earning management and no significant relation to the accrual earning management.  In the state firms, the board size has a significant positive effect on the real earnings management. Moreover, in these firms, the board independency and owner concentration have positive and significant relation to accrual earning management, while the percent of institutional owners has negative and significant relation to the  accrual earning management.


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