Internal Audit Effectiveness

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Accounting, Shahid Beheshti university, Tehran, Iran

2 MSc. of Accounting, Tehran university, Tehran, Iran


Internal audit function (IAF) is one of the main internal mechanisms of corporate governance that helps the organization achieve its goals. Effectiveness is one of the most important aspects of internal auditing that most of its dimensions have not previously been studied in Iran. This research is aimed to investigate effects of some basic elements on effectiveness of IAF. So, this study examines the effect of five factors (Internal Auditor Competence, Internal Auditing Independence, Management Support Of Internal Audit, Size Of Internal Audit Function, Coordination Between Internal and External Auditors) including 29 sub factors on the effectiveness of IAF. The sample consists of 131 internal auditors of firms with an active IAF. From one hand, the level of IAF effectiveness is measured through participants (using 29 sub factors) , and from the other hand, it is questioned through the information related to IAF characteristics. Then, the relation between IAF characteristics (independent variables) and the level of IAF effectiveness (dependent variable) is tested. The results from the analysis of collected data show that all the five dimensions have a positive and significant effect on the IAF effectiveness.


Main Subjects

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