Internet Financial Reporting and Firm Value

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof of Accounting, yazd University, Department of Accounting And Finance

2 Msc. student of Accounting, yazd university, Department of Accounting And Finance


The fast-paced process of transformations in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially Internet, has affected all dimensions of human societies. For example, in the field of accounting it has introduced a new and revolutionary method for financial reporting, which is called internet financial reporting. Considering the importance of this kind of reporting that can have a significant effect on the decision making of financial information users, this study seeks to investigate the effects of this new reporting method on the value of firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange.The research is an applied and descriptive-correlation one. The sample consists of 112 firms selected from all firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange by systematic exclusion method. The study is also cross-sectional and uses financial information and explanatory notes of sample firms in 2016/3/19.According to the results, the percentage of Internet financial reporting and the percentage of content items of internet financial reporting have a significant positive effect on the firms value, but the percentage of presentation items of internet financial reporting has no effect on the firm value.


Main Subjects

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