Competition in Product Market and Stock Price Crash Risk

Document Type : Research Paper


1 accounting department,management and administrative faculty,Shahid Bahonar university,kerman, iran

2 Internal Auditor, yazd industrial gas turbines, yazd, iran

3 accounting department, management faculty, tehran university, tehran, iran


Various studies have shown that the product market structure of firms can be effective on mechanisms of capital markets as well as investment, financing, and others. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between competition in the product market and stock price crash risk of firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. In order to accomplish the research objectives, 1 main and 6 secondary hypotheses have been developed for investigating the significance of the relationship between competition in the product market and stock price crash risk of the firms. The statistical method used to test hypotheses in this study is "panel data" and to test each hypothesis one model is estimated. Statistical sample of this study includes 73 firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange over the period from 2004 to 2016. From the six hypotheses proposed, four hypotheses test findings show that there is a significant relationship between product market competition and stock price crash risk


Main Subjects

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