Relation of Conditional and Non-conditional Persistence of Earning Components to Abnormal Stock Returns

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Accounting, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor of Accounting, Isfahan University

3 Assistant Professor of Economics, Isfahan University


This study examines the relation of conditional and non-conditional persistence of earning components to abnormal returns. The conditional persistence has been calculated using the concept of investors’ over-reaction towards accruals and their under-reaction towards sales revenue. The research uses multivariate regression method and the statistical sample consists of 66 firms listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange over the period from 2003 to 2016. To test the hypotheses, the panel data method and t-student test is used. The findings show a significant relation of the “the difference of conditional and non-conditional persistence of unexpected revenues” and “unexpected revenues” to “abnormal stock returns”; however, the findings indicate no relation of “differences of conditional and non-conditional persistence of unexpected revenues” and “unexpected earnings” to “abnormal stock returns”. Also, the relation between “the difference of conditional and non-conditional persistence of accruals" and "accrual anomaly" is not confirmed.


Main Subjects

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