Journal of "Empirical Research in Accounting "
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Diagram of the Acceptance Process in Journal of Empirical Research in Accounting
Average review time of articles: 8 Weeks
The average time during which the preliminary assessment of manuscripts is conducted: 10 working days
Frequency: Quarterly
Review type: Reviews and authors cannot see each other's attributes;(Double Blind)
Plagiarism: Several light software is used to prevent plagiarism ;(Samim Noor)
COPE: This publication complies with the COPE Code of Ethics;
Language: Bilingual: Persian (abstract and sources of English articles)
Plagiarism: Several light software is used to prevent plagiarism ;(Samim Noor)
submission fee: 2500000 Rail’s, which are obtained after the approval of the article for submission to arbitration;
article processing charge: 5500000 Rail’s, which is received after the acceptance of the article for publication;
Ways to Communicate with the Journal Office:
1- Through the phone , Call number: 021- 88212578
2- By e-mail: All the days of the week and will be answered at the first opportunity;
Copyright: Journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.
This license allows others to download the works and share them with others as long as they credit them, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
IF in ISC| 0/688
Pages 1-24
Roohalah Seddighi; Jalal Doudkanloy Milan; Shiva Ebrahimi
Pages 25-52
Ali Rahmani; Leili Niakan; Mahnaz Mahmoudkhani; Alin Avasapian
Pages 53-84
Zohre Heydari; Shahnaz Mashayekh
Pages 115-144
Mohsen Rashidi baqhi
Pages 145-184
Ghareibeh Esmailikia; Mahdis Naseri
Pages 185-208
Azam Pouryousof; Zahra Masouni Bilondi; Soleil Jafari
Pages 209-230
Fawwaz Khlaif Rashid; Arezoo Aghaei chadegani; Mohammed Sameer Deherieb Al Robaaiy; Mohammad Alimoradi
Pages 231-254
Soheila Khazami; َAli Vaez; Alireza Jorjor Zadeh
Pages 255-278
Mostafa Matinnazar; Naghi Fazeli; Arezoo Khosravani; Amir Yalfani